Wednesday 4 May 2022

Vegetable Breakfast Recipes.


Rice flour                       1/4kg
Yeast                               1/2teaspoon
Light hot water              3/4cup
Sugar                                1teaspoon
Flour grain                       1/2cup
Water                                1 1/2cup
Coconut milk                   1/2cup
Sugar                                 2 desert spoon
Salt                                     accordingly
Mix yeast, light hot water and sugar and keep aside for half an hour. Mix water and flour grain. Boil it to make a thick liquid. Allow it to cool. Add yeast mixture to the rice flour. Add thickened flour grain liquid and knead well. Add sugar and coconut milk and make it a soft liquid. Keep for four or five hours. Heat a pan. Pour the liquid with a ladle to make soft palappams one by one.

Vegetable Kurma.


Potato.                                 1

Carrot.                                 1

Green peas.                        2 tablespoon. 

Salt.                                      needed to taste.

Water.                                  1 1/2cup.

Cook the above ingredients in a pressure cooker.

Coconut.                              3/4 cup 

Green chilli                         3 

Garlic.                                  1 teaspoon.

Ginger.                                 1  teaspoon.

Cuscus.                                 1 tablespoon./ 

                                                 Nuts 5

Fennel seeds.                      1 teaspoon.

Water.                                  Needed to grind.

Grind all ingredients well.

Oil.                                           1 teaspoon.

Cardamom.                            4 

Cinnamon.                             1 inch piece.

Curry leaves.                         Needed to taste.

Sliced onion.                          1

Sliced tomato.                       1

Salt.                                          Needed to taste.

Heat a pan.Add oil.Add cardamom and cinnamon, fry.

Add curry leaves, stir.

Add onion, fry. Add tomato and salt, stir to fry.

Add cooked vegetables, mix well. Allow to boil.

Add ground coconut mix.

Add water if you need more gravy.

Close the pan with a lid, cook for five minutes.

Thursday 28 April 2022

Carrot cake.


Carrot.                             100 gm

Maida.                            100 gm.
Sugar.                             200 gm.
Butter.                            100 gm.
Vanilla essence.           1teaspoons
Baking powder.            1 teaspoons
Baking soda.                1 teaspoon
Egg.                               3
Nuts, raisins.               50 gm.
Beat egg.Powder sugar.Mix well both.
Mix maida,baking powder & baking soda.
Grate carrot.
Blend all well.
Move the batter to a greased cake tin,garnish with nuts& raisins.
Bake for 40-50 minutes.

Wednesday 30 March 2022

Vegetable Rolls.



Maida.                          200gm.

Knead maida with luckwarm water and enough salt. Keep aside for 20 minutes.

Sliced vegetables : cabbage,carrot,onion, capsicum,spring onion, beans, each 50 grams.

Ginger.(chopped)                     1 teaspoon 

Garlic ( chopped).                     1 teaspoon 

Green chilli ( chopped ).          2

Sesame oil.                                 1 tablespoon.

Soya sauce.                                1 tablespoon.

Heat a pan. Heat  sesame oil.Add onions, ginger, garlic, chilli, chopped vegetables, stir to fry.

Add needed salt. Add soya sauce  stir, remove from heat.

Make small balls with the kneaded maida, flatten to make like thin round sheets.

Heat a pan, put the flattened sheets in it,turn upside and down fot 2-4 seconds.

Place 2 teaspoons vegetable mix in the flattened sheets in one end, roll it and seal it.

Coconut oil.                Needed to fry.

Heat oil in a pan.

Put vegetable rolls and fry till it becomes golden brown, turning upside down.

Serve with tomato sauce.

Thursday 24 March 2022

Dal Vada.



Dal.                             1 cup 

Shallots.                     10/ onion - 1

Green chilli.               3

Ginger (sliced).          1 teaspoon 

Curry leaves.              5 

Salt.                               needed to taste 

Asafoetida powder.     1/4 teaspoon 

Oil.                                  needed to fry 

Wash dal, soak for 2 hours.

Drain and grind to a coarse paste.

Add sliced shallots/ onion,chilly, ginger, curry leaves,salt and asafoetida powder.

Mix well.

Make small balls and flatten to an oval/round shape.

Heat oil in a pan.

Deep fry in medium flame.

Turn both sides till it becomes golden brown.

Serve with tea/ coffee.

Tuesday 22 March 2022

Vegetable Kurma.



Potato.                                 1

Carrot.                                 1

Green peas.                        2 tablespoon. 

Salt.                                      needed to taste.

Water.                                  1 1/2cup.

Cook the above ingredients in a pressure cooker.

Coconut.                              3/4 cup 

Green chilli                         3 

Garlic.                                  1 teaspoon.

Ginger.                                 1  teaspoon.

Cuscus.                                 1 tablespoon./ 

                                                 Nuts 5

Fennel seeds.                      1 teaspoon.

Water.                                  Needed to grind.

Grind all ingredients well.

Oil.                                           1 teaspoon.

Cardamom.                            4 

Cinnamon.                             1 inch piece.

Curry leaves.                         Needed to taste.

Sliced onion.                          1

Sliced tomato.                       1

Salt.                                          Needed to taste.

Heat a pan.Add oil.Add cardamom and cinnamon, fry.

Add curry leaves, stir.

Add onion, fry. Add tomato and salt, stir to fry.

Add cooked vegetables, mix well. Allow to boil.

Add ground coconut mix.

Add water if you need more gravy.

Close the pan with a lid, cook for five minutes.

Thursday 17 March 2022

Black gram vada.


Ingredients :

Black gram.                      200 gm.

Onion.                               1 (sliced)

Green chilli.                     4 (chopped)

Ginger ( Sliced)                 1 teaspoon. 

Curry leaves.                   5-6 (chopped)

Salt.                                   needed to taste.

Oil.                                     needed to fry.

Wash the black gram well and soak in water for 4 hours.

Drain it, add sliced ginger and grind well.

Beat well the mixture.

Add sliced green chilli,  onion, curry leaves and salt.Mix well.

Heat oil in a frying pan.

Make small balls with the mixture, then slightly flatten.

Press with your thumb in the centre and fry.

( Apply some water in your hands in order to avoid stickyness while making the balls, flattening and pressing in the centre.)

Tuesday 15 February 2022

Caramel Pudding.



Egg.                            2.

Milk.                          250 ml 

Sugar.                        4 tablespoon.

Vanilla essence.        1/2 teaspoon.


To caramelize:

Sugar.             3 tablespoon

Water.             2 tablespoon.

Heat a pan,Add sugar and water.Boil to golden colour to caramelize.Remove to the pudding mould.

Beat eggs,add sugar,milk and vanilla essence well.Pour the mix over the caramelized sugar.Steam to cook.

Allow to cool.Turn it upside down to a plate.Garnish according to your taste.(Here sliced badam is spread over the top.)

Sprouted green gram curry.



Sprouted green gram.             200 gm.
Grated coconut.                        50 gm.
Chilly powder.                          1 teaspoon.
Turmeric powder.                   1/4 teaspoon.
Small onion( sliced).               1 teaspoon.
Garlic ( sliced).                         1/2 teaspoon.
Pepper powder.                        1/4 teaspoon.
Curry leaves.                             6-8
Oil.                                               2 teaspoons.
Salt.                                             One pinch.

Steam sprouted green gram to cook.
Heat oil in a pan.
Add oil.
Add onion,garlic, curry leaves.Fry.
Add chilly, pepper, turmeric powder.Stir.
Add coconut.Stir.
Add cooked green gram,salt.Stir well.
Serve hot.

Monday 7 February 2022

Pineapple Glaze Cake.



Pineapple.                                  1- 2

Maida.                                          120 gm.

Sugar.                                           100 gm.

                                                        ( for cake)

Sugar.                                          100 gm.

( for pineapple glaze,pineapple syrup, pineapple paste & pineapple mix.)

Egg.                                                3 

Vanilla essence.                           1 teaspoon 

Baking powder.                             1 teaspoon 

Baking soda.                                  1/2 teaspoon 

Sunflower oil.                                 100 ml  

Cornflour.                                        2 teaspoon.

Whipping cream.                           200 ml 

Permitted food colour.                 Yellow/ orange 1-2 drops. 

Slice pineapple.Make 100 gm pineapple mix.( Boil pineapple pieces in sugar & mash in grinder.)

Make 100 ml thick pineapple paste.( Boil pineapple juice with sugar to a creamy consistency )

Make 100 ml pineapple syrup.( Boil pineapple juice and sugar to a honey consistency.)

Make 100 ml pineapple glaze. ( Boil 100 ml pineapple juice with enough sugar and 2 teaspoon cornflour to a loose thick consistency.)

Beat eggs.Add vanilla essence, beat well.Add sugar powder,beat well.Add pineapple paste, sunflower oil, beat again.Add dry ingredients,mix well. Bake in a 180° pre heated oven for 45 minutes.

Beat whipping cream to stiff peaks. 

Layer the cakes to three equal parts.Spread pineapple syrup , apply whipping cream,spread pineapple mix.Repeat the process.Cover the cake with whipping cream.Allow to set , keeping in refrigerator for 2 hours.Pour pineapple glaze from the top, keep in refrigerator for 1 hour to set.Decorate with whipping cream.

Tuesday 1 February 2022

Badusha - Indian Sweet.



Maida.                           200 gm 

Ghee.                              5 tablespoon

Curd.                               4 tablespoon

Salt.                                 1/4 teaspoon 

Sugar.                              2 tablespoon 

Baking soda.                  1/4 teaspoon 

Oil.                                    Needed to fry 

Mix curd , soda powder and sugar.

Add maida,ghee and salt. Knead well to make the dough. Add water if required.

Make small balls and flatten it.Press with your thumb in the centre.Heat oil and fry.Allow to cool.

Sugar syrup:

Sugar.                         1 cup 

Water                          1 cup 

Lemon juice.              1/2 teaspoon 

Boil the ingredients to make a honey consistency syrup.

Allow to cool.

Soak the badushas in sugar syrup.

After soaking arrange them in a tray.Garnish with crushed badam.

Wednesday 26 January 2022




Pistha ice cream                      500 ml.

Sliced fruits                               2 cups
Sugar                                           1 spoon
Raisins & cashews                    1 cup
Almonds (sliced)                      1 spoon
Basil seeds                                 4 spoons
Soak basil seeds for fifteen minutes. After swelling, drain water. Keep aside. Mix sliced fruits with sugar and allow to cool. Take a long glass.Layer one scoop pistha icecream. Layer one spoon sliced fruits. Then layer soaked basil seeds. Then layer one scoop pistha ice cream. Then add raisins and cashews. Repeat the layers again. Garnish with green seedless grapes on the top.